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The Multiplier Effect

Updated: May 29, 2021

The Secret Every Student Needs To Know About Their Dream School

In our last post, we reviewed the types of students most students fall into, as well as the types of schools most schools fall into. What we're going to do now go over the basics of how these different student types interact with these schools in general. Then, after we've gone over this, we'll cover how each student type reacts with specific schools and what they can do to give them a much better shot of getting into the schools of their dreams.

For a quick review, here is a quick list of the most common types of students:

  1. Athletic Academic

  2. Humanities Intellectual

  3. Stem Scholar

  4. Sharp Social Scientist

  5. Professional Polymaths

These are the most common types of colleges and universities:

  1. Humanities Havens

  2. Political Science Paradises

  3. Technology Towns

  4. Business Boroughs

Now that we've gone over the types of students and types of universities, we need to introduce a concept called the "acceptance rate multiplier."

The Acceptance Rate Multiplier (ARM) is a concept we use to see which type of student group is most effective when applying to different types of schools. What it does is measure the "relative acceptance rate" for a particular type of student to a particular type of school.

Here's how this works:

Let's say that there are 1000 students applying to Alpha-Centauri University, and of those 1000, 200 are Athletic Academics, 200 are Humanities Intellectuals, 200 are STEM Scholars, 200 are Sharp Social Scientists, and 200 are Professional Polymaths. Now, let's say Alpha-Centauri university only accepts 100 people to their university; and of those 100 they accept, 20 are Athletic Academics, 25 are Humanities Intellectuals, 30 are Stem Scholars, 10 are Sharp Social Scientists, and the last 15 are Professional Polymaths.

Here is how we calculate the relative acceptance rate for each group:

Out of 200 who applied as Athletic Academics, 20 were accepted: The relative acceptance rate is 10% (20 / 200)

Out of 200 Humanities Intellectuals who applied, 25 were accepted: The relative acceptance rate is 12.5% (25/200)

Out of 200 STEM Scholars who applied, 30 were accepted: The relative acceptance rate is 15% (30/200)

Out of 200 Sharp Social Scientists who applied, 10 were accepted: The relative acceptance rate is 5% (10/200)

Out of 200 Professional Polymaths who applied, 15 were accepted: The relative acceptance rate is 7.5% (25/200)

Now that we have the relative acceptance rates for each group what we do next is take the relative acceptance rate and divide it by the actual acceptance rate to find the acceptance rate multiplier for that type of student at that school.

The actual acceptance rate is 10% (100 / 1000)

In this case:

For Athletic Academics: ARM = 10% (relative acceptance rate) / 10% (actual acceptance rate) = 1

For Humanities intellectuals: ARM = 12.5% / 10% = 1.25

For STEM Scholars: ARM = 15% / 10% = 1.5

For sharp social scientists: ARM = 5% / 10% = 0.5

For professional polymaths: ARM = 7.5% / 10% = 0.75

The importance of the acceptance rate multiplier is that it helps each type of student play to their strength and apply to schools where their multipliers are effective; because not all schools, not all applications, and not all students are created equal.

For example, these are the acceptance rate multipliers for the different student groups when applying to Stanford University:

Humanities Intellectual: ARM = 0.11

Stem Scholar: ARM = 0.66

Professional Polymath: ARM = 2.75

Athletic Academic: ARM = 2.0

Sharp Social Scientist: ARM = 1.69

This is what it means for each student group when applying to Stanford:

Humanities intellectuals have a less than 0.5% chance of making it into Stanford.

Stem Scholars have a less than 3% chance of making it into Stanford.

Professional Polymaths have just over a 12% chance of making it into Stanford.

Athletic Academics have nearly a 9% chance of making it into Stanford.

Sharp Social Scientists have almost a 7.5% chance of making it into Stanford.

If someone was a Humanities Intellectual and applied to Stanford, they have a nearly 1 in 200 chance of being accepted, while on the flip-side, a Professional Polymath has nearly a 1 in 8 chance of being accepted to the same school. These odds are drastically different within different student types at this school alone, and understanding this is the first step a student can take in maximizing the odds of making it into their dream school. It helps each student spend their time wisely and craft their resume and portfolio in such a way that they stand out the way they want to, and get into their dream school.

Now that we've covered everything, we'll start describing the relationship between each student group and each type of school.

Next week, we'll take a deep dive into how each student type fares when applying to each of the 5 types of schools. Be sure to stick around for that as it will probably shock you.

Closing Words

As usual, you can always contact us here to suggest a topic we could cover, or, if you'd like a one on one consultation about something personal that you would like some guidance and advice with, you can contact us here.

As always, if you haven't gotten your FREE E-book, "The Elite Institution Guide," we highly suggest it. We have gotten raving reviews from parents about how it has helped them truly guide their children to success and we highly recommend that you download it for FREE as soon as possible. Secondly, if you're a parent who is interested in getting your child into the Ivy League, for a limited time only, we're giving away one of our E-books in our "Ivy League Fastlane" series for free right here. Check that out and be sure to grab your FREE e-book before it disappears forever.

We're glad you've stuck with us this far and look forward to continuing this journey with you when we release our next post in the newsletter.

We'll speak with you soon.

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