We're excited to finally be releasing this to the larger community this coming Sunday and we're so grateful for all the support with this new project.
This week we had 19 questions submitted on a whole host of topics, but the three which stood out to us were:
1. What should I do to help my son / daughter stay competitive with schools being shut down?
2. Is the coronavirus something my children should worry about?
3. Should I continue tutoring sessions?
Our team took all the questions submitted during the week and these were our top answers.
1. Some schools across the country have been shut down in response to the coronavirus and our recommendation to all parents is to have their kids spend at least a couple hours a day on academics, and some academic related activity. There are a slew of great courses online such as Kahn Academy and many many videos on YouTube which can help keep their kids competitive outside of school. If you're not sure where to start, we've compiled an education video archive of resources our tutors have found useful over the years here.
The main idea is to keep your children in a learning mode so that they aren't completely checked out and take 5 or 6 months off from learning before the next school year.
2. Yes and no. This situation is a very serious issue and should be taken seriously by all involved. (If you would like to learn more about what to to and what not to do during this period you can click here)
With that being said, the virus seems to be fatal, in most cases, for elderly individuals with some pre-existing conditions. However, as a result of not having a clear understanding of what this virus is and what it does, we would recommend that all families abide by the guidelines illustrated on the CDC website and abide by the rules other local government officials.
We recommend that people employ social distancing, try to keep themselves hygienic and clean, and avoid traveling outside to busy areas as much as possible in order to both stay healthy and safe and mitigate the spreading of the virus.
3. The answer to this question is difficult as it depends on each family and their current situation. Our recommendation is to see if it is possible to do the sessions digitally through Skype or some other digital platform. If this is not the case we do recommend limiting or stopping sessions for the time being.
However, if your child is receiving tremendous amounts of value from the tutoring sessions and you believe that without these sessions some of this value would be lost, we recommend continuing them through Skype or some other digital tool, however, if you feel as though your child may not need the sessions as much, we would recommend limiting the ones conducted in person as much as possible, and using digital platforms.
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Don’t forget to head here and enter the question you would like to have answered for Thursday’s post.
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Our community has grown like wildfire recently and we’re so grateful that amazing people like you are a part of our community and helping it grow. We’re glad you’re here and can’t wait to speak to you all again in the next article.